Monday, June 01, 2009


© Joselito Briones

Today's outing is in Dovedale, to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Peak District. It was all about leisure walks and setting up a picnic to eat and soak up the sun.

© Joselito Briones

It turned out to be a popular thing to do among locals and tourists alike as there were quite a lot of people there. Enough to give a very lively cheerful atmosphere but not too much to ruin the place.

© Joselito Briones

Another group photo. I'm sure there's a video version somewhere in my files. I've snapped too many photos to keep track.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

group photo

© Joselito Briones

After Chatsworth, we all went back to the cottage for dinner. The system was that the guests (everyone but the two birthday celebrants - Marco and Wil) were divided into two groups who would take care of food in the house. Today's group in charge is lead by Ronnie. For dinner we had pork stew with potatoes. I'm excempt from doing any of the cooking and serving duties as I was the token photographer.

After dinner, I asked everyone to put on the best clothes that they brought for a group photo in the living room, to commemorate the gathering. Left to right: me, Mati, Chris A., Michael, Ann, Marco, Ronnie, Wil, Gau, Chris O., and Jerome.


Chatsworth House

© Joselito Briones

This was taken yesterday, with Ann and Chris, in Chatsworth, where we spent most of the day. The site was used for such films as "Pride and Prejudice", "The Duchess", and "Wolfman".

Next: Dovedale


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