Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bag Hag

my grocery bag - photo by Joselito Briones
© Joselito Briones

Either i'm really busy to write anything to you or life here is really boring. I took this picture just to show you my grocery bag. It's the bag everybody here in Erlangen have (which gives the impression that either everyone is proud of the city, or everyone here is from somewhere else). Mine's all battered up and wrinkley from having been shoved in the washing machine a few times. I added some pins to it just so it's not so boring. My favorite, the one next to the big one that says "I (heart) PORN", is this cute cartoon face that says, "kiss me, I have sex hair".

Today I'm in cowboy mode again. And it's so fitting with the minimal verbal communication I have with the locals. Like today, I went to this old-style electronics repair shop because I was looking for some double-sided tape. (Imagine the conversation in low, flat, unhurried tone)

(Me enters shop, letting the door swing back shut)
Me: "Morgen, Do you speak English?"
Shopowner: "No. Do you speak Spanish?"
Me: "No. Do you have double-sided tape?"
Shopowner: "No."
Me: "Danke. Tschuess."
Shopowner: "Bye."
(Me tilts hat, exits. Then wonders all day why he asked me if I spoke Spanish. Did I perhaps looked more like Mexican than a cowboy? I decided to just assume that he spoke the language himself, and so he asked if I did too.)


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