Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy Meal

Ikea giveaway - toy train - photo by Joey Briones
© Joselito Briones

Guess where we went today! Yes, that's right. Ikea. It's been so long since we were here last, I sooo miss it. I miss it so much (it's been a full day since we were here last, after all) that we decided to stay longer and have dinner there. Yep. that's right. Dinner at Ikea. I had meatballs with cranberry sauce and elk-shaped pasta with ketchup passing off as sauce. And Stephen King thought he knew all about misery.

The meal also came with a freebie!, a piece of wood that is its own sorry excuse for a child's toy. It's a wooden train car (photo, above) that has a magnet at the rear end so kids can collect and attach one to another. You know I'm too busy to write anything interesting to you (but then again, when did I ever?) when I'm writing about this kind of crap.

On a high note, the TV is connected again. Yes, folks! we're back in business. The first thing that we watched? Eurovision! (a.k.a. The Erosion of the European Vision), I liked Germany's entry because the song has a very simple happy melody. Then again, who wants happy when you can have Holloween in May? Oh well.


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