Monday, May 15, 2006

Escape artist

Schlosspark, Erlangen -  photo by Joselito Briones
© Joselito Briones

Back to Erlangen. Back to unpacking. Only I didn't know where to continue. I'm stalled. I couldn't unpack all closet contents because the closets aren't built yet, couldn't build the shelves because it required moving out of the way heavy photography equipment (enlargers) that I couldn't move by myself. After cleaning up and doing the laundry, I decided to escape to the park. The students lying on the grass, soaking in the sun, was a nice sight. I didn't stay long there though, I had to go to the pedestrian zone to get some money and do the grocery.

I also went to Handelshof (their version of Walmart). It's a short walking distance from the apartment. I got carried away and didn't realize I've bought too many things to carry by myself. I managed to get home only after having to stop and pause a few times.

Tonight I made humba (or something close enough).


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