Showing posts with label carmona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carmona. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

early morning walk

for someone who lives in brooklyn, a sunrise 3-mile walk in the midst of freshly planted rice fields is such a treat.  yep, back in the philippines for a short visit.



i forgot to say that the start of this walk is less than half a km from where i went to elementary school, which in turn is less than a hundred meters from the house i grew up in, and yet i've never been to this narrow road until this morning.  as a child i was always told never to wander beyond the school, and so i never did. 30 years forward - i told my mom this morning that i wanted to take a walk on this road, she still offered to find someone to go with me.  the women in my family are shameless when it comes to (over)protecting their offsprings.

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