Monday, November 20, 2006

You know you're in the pits when..

golden ivy - photo by joselito briones
© Joselito Briones

...what you're used to walking two blocks for, you now have to go to the next city, by train, to look for, and be informed when you do find a store that carries it, that you have to pre-order it, and that you'll have to come back after 3 days to collect it.

The item in question is a pack of matte-finish heavy stock A3 size photo paper. Fortunately, one of the shops I inquired from recommended one other shop that might carry this item. The name of the place is Saturn. I had to ask for directions at least 3 times, and use what little German I know in trying to understand whatever directions I was given, to find the place. It turns out they do carry the paper, although not the double-sided kind that I was looking for. I bought a pack anyway.


The picture, again, has got nothing to do with anything else written here. This isn't even what I wanted to print on the paper I was looking for. This is just another experiment in post-processing images taken with a digital camera.


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