Thursday, November 11, 2010


meh. i changed the tags on my older posts and blogspot automatically changed/updated the dates on them so now they all look like they're new posts.  on one hand i really can't be bothered changing the dates again, on the other sometimes i get freakish with organizing things that i'll probably change them. oh well. who cares, right?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


© Joselito Briones

haha! considering i've never opened revit before early this year, i've learned enough to do a functional BIM of this project, and another one progressing nicely. everything's custom parametric family, too! (families are the basic components of the model)  the great thing about it is that i was able to see possible construction errors while I was designing the project, i was able to get as many views as i wanted from a single model, and when the model was done, it was a cinch doing all the required standard drawings (altho still laborious, 80+ pages of drawings, two colleagues had to help me when it was time to issue them). revit's definitely the thing to use in a small design-oriented offices. now if only autodesk can do revit for mac!

© Joselito Briones

well then, that's it for 3d models.  i think i'll pick up on my video editing now.


Thursday, October 07, 2010

bist du verrückt?

© Joselito Briones
Mati spent sometime in the afternoon teaching this bird, Buddy (photo, above), a family pet, to say "Bist du verrückt?" ("Are you crazy?", in German), and succeeded in doing it twice, the rest of the time, it just laughed on his face. Click on the image above, or here, to see a short clip. XXX

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